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The roof is on the barn ... so we are closing in on that project. Given its size (36x46 ft) it went up pretty quickly. This is the first project that I used "hired" help to work on a lot of it with me. For example, when the kids and I spent the better part of a Saturday a few weeks ago going to the Raleigh flea market and Agri Supply the guys (Jeff, Coleman and Anatole the Russian) put up the metal roof panels. Coleman and Jeff stayed up on the roof screwing the panels down as Anatole fed them to them. They did the whole thing in about a day. Jeff came back later to put the ridge cap on a clean things up.
The next step is to grade the inside since there is about a 1-2 ft drop from corner to corner. We are going to pull the upper corner down and also pull some of the dirt around from the up hill side of the barn.

Now it is time to start on a whole host of projects before the fall. We are finally going to get around to finishing up the doors in the house. At first we were going to use recycled doors from Habitat for Humanity, but it was too much of a pain to strip them. We even had friends and family work on these over one of our work weekends. Instead we are using Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) fresh from the solar kiln and SYP doors fresh from Lowes. My father-in-law may look excited to be stripping the doors but the excitement was very short lived.
Once the barn is level inside and we have some power and water run up to it, we are going to move a lot of the shop up there as well as the scooters, bikes, tractors, green wood, dry wood, planed wood, extra trim, bins of tools, mason jars of misc screws etc...
"Onward and Upward" as our good friend Ed always says......
The next step is to grade the inside since there is about a 1-2 ft drop from corner to corner. We are going to pull the upper corner down and also pull some of the dirt around from the up hill side of the barn.

Now it is time to start on a whole host of projects before the fall. We are finally going to get around to finishing up the doors in the house. At first we were going to use recycled doors from Habitat for Humanity, but it was too much of a pain to strip them. We even had friends and family work on these over one of our work weekends. Instead we are using Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) fresh from the solar kiln and SYP doors fresh from Lowes. My father-in-law may look excited to be stripping the doors but the excitement was very short lived.
Once the barn is level inside and we have some power and water run up to it, we are going to move a lot of the shop up there as well as the scooters, bikes, tractors, green wood, dry wood, planed wood, extra trim, bins of tools, mason jars of misc screws etc...
"Onward and Upward" as our good friend Ed always says......
love it, especially the new doors part.
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