The "2 week till done" Time Continuum
Fear not .... the progress has not stopped on our house addition. We are finally in that "two weeks till done" time warp. We planned on calling for our final inspection before the end of the year (2008) since we had family coming for a visit and we were unable and unwilling to put them up in the pop-up camper two trips in a row. Our visitors decided that they did not want to rush us on the house, and they probably realized that we were not close to being done, so they postponed their visit till spring. Also, the world economic meltdown caused a slight change in plans for the spend on the work. During the second half of the year we were waiting for our home equity line of credit to be frozen. So in the true fashion of drunken sailors on shore leave we (smartly) spent almost all the money under the equity line and purchased most of the items needed to finish the addition, except for labor. So Jeff, our one full time helper, finished up what he could and was off to some new jobs in December. So it is back to the home improvement solo show.

The silver lining of this is that we feel that the project is more under control and since it is governed by cash on hand instead of check book tied to a line of credit. We are now to a short list of projects that are needed to get the CO (certificate of occupancy) but that leaves out the Stickley styled builtins, coffered ceilings and custom cabinets. The pace is nice. I spend an hour in the morning working on a small project and then 3-4 hours in the evening trying to knock something off the list. As you can see in the above picture that was taken this morning, the place is coming together. The front "lawn" is seeded and strawed, just waiting for some warmth and rain. Now we are only "two weeks" away from finishing.
The silver lining of this is that we feel that the project is more under control and since it is governed by cash on hand instead of check book tied to a line of credit. We are now to a short list of projects that are needed to get the CO (certificate of occupancy) but that leaves out the Stickley styled builtins, coffered ceilings and custom cabinets. The pace is nice. I spend an hour in the morning working on a small project and then 3-4 hours in the evening trying to knock something off the list. As you can see in the above picture that was taken this morning, the place is coming together. The front "lawn" is seeded and strawed, just waiting for some warmth and rain. Now we are only "two weeks" away from finishing.
Stay tuned for more regular updates and some "vintage" shots covering the work since the early fall.
Looks like a decent house!
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